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Writer's pictureKate O'Connor


Talk about distracted! Let's see, what's been going on?

Ok, so I quit the job I moved to Canada for, on account of how it'd been well over a month since we should've started fulltime work and things were still not happening. But never fear, because it only took a day to find something else! So now I've been at my new job as a front desk agent for the Best Western Plus here in Revy for 2 weeks, and man am I loving it. It's so good to be busy again. I have my first paycheck coming in this coming Friday, the people I work with are wonderful, and the job is everything I hoped for and more. And walking distance from home (though I usually ride my bike).

Some small bad news this week though. My wonderful Acura that I bought all of two days after arriving in Vancouver and which has been an excellent car was unfortunately involved in an accident this week and is now in car heaven. Don't worry, I wasn't involved. I lent the car to a friend and the poor bugger is completely distraught over what happened. But she's not hurt and that's all that counts. So I now need to go through the frustrating process of finding and buying a new car. And stopping myself from making the passion buy and getting a Mustang convertible.... I really want the Mustang convertible.

But I digress. So it's been a busy few weeks for me, and I haven't written a word. I'm hoping that now that I've gotten into a bit of a routine and settled into working life again that I'll be able to get some writing done this week. And possibly buy a new car. But that's neither here nor there.

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